Forskning og evidens

 Forskning og eviden

Evidens for den Jungianske tilgang til psykoterapi

Roesler C. (2013). Evidence for the effectiveness of jungian psychotherapy: a review of empirical studies. Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)3(4), 562–575.

Birch & Carmichael (2009). Using Drawings in Play Therapy: A Jungian Approach

Barnets socialkognitive udvikling (Sandplay)

Artikler med fokus på Sandplay:

Christian Roesler (2019). Sandplay therapy: An overview of theory applications and evidence base. The Arts of Psychology, (64), s.84-94

Pearson, Mark & Wilson, Helen. (2014). The evolution of sandplay therapy applications. Mark Pearson, Helen Wilson. Psychotherapy in Australia. 21. 94.

Tornero, M., & Capella, C. (2017). Change during Psychotherapy through Sand Play Tray in Children That Have Been Sexually Abused. Frontiers in psychology8,

Fordele ved leg (ikke direkte sandplay artikler):

Greve, Werner & Thomsen, Tamara. (2016). Evolutionary Advantages of Free Play During Childhood. Evolutionary Psychology. 14.

Bergen, Doris. (2002). The Role of Pretend Play in Children’s Cognitive Development. Early Childhood Research & Practice. 4.

Semeijn, M. (2019). Interacting with Fictions: The Role of Pretend Play in Theory of Mind Acquisition

Betydning af relationen i terapi (Relationsarbejde)

Herman, S. M. (1998). The relationship between therapist–client modality similarity and psychotherapy outcome. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice & Research, 7(1), 56-64

Lambert, M. J., & Barley, D. E. (2001). Research summary on the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38(4), 357-361.

Stamoulos, Constantina & Trépanier, Lyane & Bourkas, Sophia & Bradley, Stacy & Stelmaszczyk, Kelly & Schwartzman, Deborah & Drapeau, Martin. (2016). Psychologists’ Perceptions of the Importance of Common Factors in Psychotherapy for Successful Treatment Outcomes.. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 26.’_Perceptions_of_the_Importance_of_Common_Factors_in_Psychotherapy_for_Successful_Treatment_Outcomes

Hill, Clara & Knox, Sarah. (2009). Processing the therapeutic relationship. Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. 19. 13-29.

Betydningen af handleplaner og succesoplevelser (TOTE-m)

Law, Duncan & Cooper, Mick. (2018). Working with goals in psychotherapy and counselling. (Bog)

Wollburg, Eileen & Braukhaus, Christoph. (2010). Goal setting in psychotherapy: The relevance of approach and avoidance goals for treatment outcome. Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. 20. 488-94.

Milton Erickson

PhD, ABPP & Hallquist, Michael & Lynn, Steven. (2004). Toward a scientifically based understanding of Milton H. Erickson’s strategies and tactics: Hypnosis, response sets and common factors in psychotherapy. Contemporary Hypnosis. 21. 63 – 78. 10.1002/ch.292.’s_strategies_and_tactics_Hypnosis_response_sets_and_common_factors_in_psychotherapy

John O. Beahrs M.D. (1971) The Hypnotic Psychotherapy of Milton H. Erickson, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 14:2, 73-90, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.1971.10402155

Tak til psykolog Mathias Kirkeby Nielsen for at finde relevante artikler.

Evidens for NLP fra eanlpt hjemmeside:   Neuro Lingvistisk Programmering 

Spædbarnsterapiens metode:

Artikler skrevet af Inger Poulsen i Spædbarnsterapiens metode.

Artikler skrevet af Inger Thormann i Spædbarnsterapiens metode.

Evidens og artikler om Familieopstillinger og Systemisk arbejde:


Videnskabelige artikler

Artikler af Mark Wolynn

Evidens og artikler om Sandplay

Forskning i analytisk psykologi